Poem: love from a best friend

So you’re my best friend and you told finally told me You might be older, but I still love you. You may regret telling me, but I won’t let you feel like that, see I am your angel and you, my devil; we are the two I am dead and cold You are sad and old But we are meant to be, Like the sand … Continue reading Poem: love from a best friend

(Un) Happy Ending, a poem

(Un) Happy Ending: To everybody, I am nobody To myself, I am black tar I am a lost spectre in this word I am what people want me to be, I am what they see: an angel, a daughter, an academic. I am a master at hiding pain, at hiding myself But behind my grand facade, lies: an addict, a mess, a self-doubting, self-destructive human … Continue reading (Un) Happy Ending, a poem

Feminism – a poem

Before you read the poem, I’d just like to say that I think the way feminism has developed is a bit ridiculous, epitomized very much by the Sir Tim Hunt ‘scandal’, and this is my attempt at writing a satirical poem aimed at ‘feminists’ like the ones associated with this ridiculous scandal. Sir Tim Hunt is a victim of these ‘fauxminists’, and I’d like to … Continue reading Feminism – a poem