Wasted potential

For my entire life, I have had to deal with all the associations of having ‘potential’ and then wasting that potential. I will not complain, because I am lucky to at least have had the associations of having ‘potential’. My problem is that I cannot deal well with the associations of having potential. The best work that I have ever produced is when I have … Continue reading Wasted potential

The weirdest thing.

In most of my posts, I have been drunk when writing, and this one is no different. To me, well I feel more creative. Maybe I’m delusional. I mean how ridiculous does it sound when someone says that they write best when they’re drunk. In the future, maybe I’ll look back at myself and think I was a complete idiot. But, to me, at this … Continue reading The weirdest thing.

Are alcohol and drugs ever the answer?

In reading the work of De Quincy and Baudelaire, among others, I knew that my life had changed, because they were the main reason I ever tried alcohol and drugs in the first place. To me, I wanted to be a part of that culture and scene; I wanted to know what their literature was really about, and be able to understand it to the … Continue reading Are alcohol and drugs ever the answer?

Alcohol’s allure – how different is it to drugs? Personal, social and economic perspective.

Alcohol is a beautiful substance for two key reasons: it makes us feel f****** great if we drink enough, and it’s legal. This is why I am in love with it, and the effects it has on me. It seems to make my life so much more beautiful and amazing, because it manages to take my mind off trivial and, quite frankly, unimportant matters, that … Continue reading Alcohol’s allure – how different is it to drugs? Personal, social and economic perspective.